Top Winter Safety Tips for Dogs & Cats

Help Your Pets Stay Warm & Safe During These Cold Months
Winter in the Cincinnati area is undeniably cold– and sometimes snowy and icy. Let’s work together to make life a little warmer for the cats and dogs in our neighborhoods.
Winter Safety Tip for Dogs #1:
Know Your Dog’s Cold Tolerance
Before you take a winter walk with your dog or allow them to run around in the snow, know their limits. Some dogs are built for the snow, and some are more cold sensitive. Old pets, young pets and certain breeds are more susceptible to cold temperatures and winter weather. They will need limited exposure to the outdoors, perhaps just long enough to do their business and go back inside.
Winter Safety Tip for Dogs #2:
Gear Up for the Weather
You wear a coat, gloves and hat for a winter walk, and so can your dog. A dog sweater or coat helps conserve warmth. Booties keep ice balls from forming between the toes and provide some protection from sidewalk salt and chemicals.
Winter Safety Tip for Dogs #3:
Steer Clear of Icy Ponds
Frozen ponds are dangerous for pets and people, alike. If there’s a pond on your walk path, make sure to keep your dog leashed, and keep them off the surface. Pets can fall through the ice or even have their fur freeze to the ice. It’s best to avoid this possible tragedy.
Winter Safety Tip for Dogs (& Cats) #4:
Use Pet-Safe De-Icers
Antifreeze and other chemicals are toxic if ingested. When a pet gets de-icer on their paws, they may try to lick it off. Read all labels before buying de-icing products to find pet-safe options. If your pet has been exposed to any de-icing chemical, call your veterinarian right away.
Winter Safety Tip for Dogs #5:
Clean Ice & Snow From Your Dog
After your dog has spent time outside in the snow, make sure to clean the ice and snow from their feet, joints and muzzles. Snow has a tendency to form ice balls that stick in those places. These are both painful and cold. It’s also important to clean paws after walks, in case you encountered any toxic de-icers.

Winter Safety Tip for Cats #1:
Check Your Car
Not all cats get to live indoors. Here are a few cat-specific tips for winter. Cats in the outdoors look for warm places. And a freshly-parked car engine seems particularly inviting for them. Walk around your car and check under the hood before starting your car.
Winter Safety Tip for Cats #2:
Keep Chemicals Locked Away
Outdoor cats may also be drawn to the sweet smell and taste of antifreeze, so keep chemicals in closed cabinets that can only be opened by adult humans.
Winter Safety Tip for Cats #3:
Provide a Shelter for Outdoor Cats
Outdoor or feral cats need protection from the elements. Amanda of Grady Vet recently shared, “How to Build an Outdoor Cat House.” Watch the video for several options that fit different budgets.
Bottom Line for Dogs AND Cats:
Treat Your Pet Like Yourself
If it’s too cold, wet or unpleasant for you, your pet is suffering, too. We are facing down some bitterly cold temperatures in the near future, so make sure your pet stays safe. Here are a couple more winter safety tips resources Grady Veterinary Hospital has published:
Stay warm out there!