Quick Safety Tips: 15 Foods to Keep Away from Pets

Enjoy Safe & Happy Holidays with These Toxic Food Reminders
No one wants to spend a holiday at the animal hospital, afraid for their pet’s health. We’ve put together a quick list of 15 foods that are ingredients for danger. Keep them away from cats and dogs– and remember to ask guests not to feed your pet table scraps.
1. Alcohol

Alcohol, in all forms and concentrations, is toxic to animals. Don’t directly let your pet drink alcohol, and make sure to clean up empty glasses that may be sitting around.
2. Avocados

The entire avocado plant is toxic to dogs (and many other animals). Ingesting any part of the peel, fruit or seed can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
3. Bones, Cooked or Raw

Cats and dogs shouldn’t be given animal bones, either cooked or raw. They can splinter, causing damage to the entire digestive system, from mouth to bowels.
4 & 5. Candy & Gum

Candy and gum are bad for animals (and not great for people!). Artificial sweetener xylitol is especially toxic to dogs, causing dangerous hypoglycemia.
6. Chocolate

Nearly every pet owner knows that chocolate is highly toxic to cats and dogs. Check out “All About Chocolate Toxicity” to learn more about kinds of chocolate.
7. Garlic

It seems unlikely your pets would get into raw garlic, but watch out for feeding them leftovers that have been cooked with garlic.
8. Green Tomatoes

While ripe tomatoes are safe for pet consumption in moderation, the green parts of the plant are toxic to dogs. This includes unripe green tomatoes.
9. Mustard

Mustard seeds, powder and the condiment are all toxic and need to be avoided. So, no sharing a cheese coney with your dog.
10 & 11. Raisins & Nuts

Not all nuts are toxic to dogs and cats, but many are. Even the “safe” varieties are high in fat and often salted, making them a poor snack choice. Grapes and raisins are completely off the menu. Learn more about Why Grapes are Toxic to Dogs.
12. Onions

In the same family as garlic and leeks, onions are similarly toxic to cats and dogs (and horses). Learn more here.
13. Raw Yeast Dough

When you’re baking, don’t let your pets sneak any raw dough. Symptoms are similar to alcohol poisoning.
14. Raw Meat, Fish and Poultry

Raw meat, fish and poultry are as dangerous to pets as to you. Cooking kills dangerous bacteria that can make us all sick.
15. Raw Potatoes

Dogs and cats alike suffer from raw potato toxicity (although can enjoy small amounts of cooked potato). The substance solanine causes the reaction, and it cooks out.
Share this article and our video “Holiday Food Safety Guide for Pets” with friends and family to spread some healthy cheer! Let’s enjoy a season of joy, love and companionship with our pets.